Chalik & Chalik
Broward County, Florida Mesothelioma Attorney :: Asbestos Injuries :: Davie, Florida Asbestos Lawyer
Asbestos is a harmful material that was widely used in construction until it was regulated in the early 1980s. Exposure to asbestos has been shown to cause a number of health problems, including mesothelioma, an aggressive and fatal lung disease. Asbestos fibers, after inhalation, attach themselves to the throat and are then spread into the lungs, abdomen, and heart. Malignant, pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma are all forms of mesothelioma which can result from asbestos inhalation.
Many construction companies and other employers continued to use asbestos material long after its restriction because it was a cheap building and insulation material. Chalik & Chalik Law Offices aims to hold these companies accountable for the harm asbestos caused to many innocent employees. Because the manifestation of asbestos damage can take many years to develop, diseases like mesothelioma may be difficult to trace and even harder to prove fault. If you or someone you know is suffering from health problems due to asbestos exposure, let Chalik & Chalik uncover the truth. We will find out who is responsible and hold them financially responsible for your injuries.
Victims are typically exposed to asbestos at the workplace -- unaware of the serious health risks around them which may one day take their lives (and may even expose their family members to risk if fibers are present and brought home in their work clothing).
Symptoms of the asbestos-related cancer known as mesothelioma and other diseases may take decades to appear, often as long as 20 to 40 years. Because of the long latency period of the disease, patients often cannot remember when or where the asbestos exposure occurred. The Law Offices of Chalik & Chalik can help identify at-risk workplaces, known asbestos sites, and companies or manufacturers known for asbestos usage.
Occupations Where Asbestos Exposure Can Occur
Each year, 2,500 to 4,000 patients in the U.S. are diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases. The highest-risk occupations where workers can be exposed to asbestos and asbestos fibers include the following:
* Construction workers handling or installing insulation.
* Miners
* Auto Mechanics
* Roofers
* Factory Workers
* Electricians
* Ship builders
* Railroad workers
* Gas mask manufacturers
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Though chemotherapy, radiation and surgery may be prescribed to treat mesothelioma, this deadly form of cancer is considered incurable. Symptoms are often non-specific (fatigue, coughing, difficulty sleeping), and may be signs of other less serious medical conditions.
As the cancer progresses, the victim has more and more trouble breathing as the asbestos fibers harden inside the pleura (the membranous lining that encases the lungs) and the cancer cells spread. The patient has a harder and harder time enjoying a normal life, and eating, sleeping, and breathing become difficult and uncomfortable. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that kills --- all because the patient was needlessly exposed to asbestos while working at their job. The tragedy of mesothelioma is that this disease and other asbestos-related diseases were preventable.
Stand up for your rights in the workplace. If you or a loved one has suffered from asbestos injuries or developed mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the Asbestos and Mesothelioma lawyers of Chalik & Chalik Law Offices for your complimentary legal consultation.
Chalik & Chalik
721 SE 17th St
Fort Lauderdale FL 33316
Tel: 866 558-6971
