Stephanie L Schneider
Practice Areas
Estate & Incapacity Planning : We educate and counsel clients about the options for passing on their property at death, avoiding the court process called probate, and the importance of having documents in place that provide a management system in the event the client becomes physically or mentally incapacitated. These documents may include but are not limited to:
* Durable Power of Attorney
* Designation of Healthcare Surrogate
* Living Will
* Last Will & Testament, etc.
Guardianship : We counsel clients about how to become a guardian for a loved one who is incapacitated and no longer able to care for their personal or financial affairs. Our office:
* Represents the guardian throughout the guardianship
* Supports and advises the guardian about their duties and responsibilities when making medical and financial decisions
Long Term Care Insurance : We serve as an advocate for clients who are encountering difficulty with insurance companies in obtaining benefits they are entitled to under a long-term care insurance policy.
Medicaid & Long Term Care Planning : We counsel clients about planning for their future medical and healthcare needs. Together we explore options which may include:
* Long-term care insurance
* Medicare
* How to legitimately qualify a person for Medicaid and preserve the assets, independence and peace of mind to the greatest extent possible
* Guiding you through the Medicaid application process and handling appeals of Medicaid denials
Preservation of Government Benefits & Special Needs Trusts : Our office:
* Counsels clients who are receiving government benefits (i.e. Medicaid; HUD housing; Supplemental Security Income) on how to preserve lawsuit settlement proceeds or, inheritances to provide them with quality of life and care while maintaining their benefits
* Creates special needs trusts, communicates with government agencies on behalf of the client, and appears before the Court when it is necessary to obtain approval to create a special needs trust
Probate : We counsel clients about the process of transferring assets from a deceased person to the intended beneficiaries in formal (full) administration as well as summary (abbreviated) administration.
Resident's' Rights : We counsel clients about their rights when they are relocating to an assisted living facility, nursing home or, continuing care retirement community. Our services include:
* Reviewing the admission agreement
* Advising the client about the facility = s obligations, issues concerning personal financial guarantees and arbitration of disputes
* Serving as an advocate
Certified Elder Law Attorney - National Elder Law Foundation
Elder Law Certified Attorney - Florida Bar
Law Office of Stephanie L Schneider PA
1860 N Pine Island Rd #111
Plantation FL 33322
Tel: 954 382-1997
Fax: 954 382-9997
Stephanie L. Schneider, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney, opened the Law Office of Stephanie L. Schneider PA in November 2004.
Originally from New Jersey, Stephanie is a graduate of Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law School Center, where she earned her Juris Doctorate Degree in 1991. While in law school, Stephanie was invited to write onto Law Review and successfully completed a competition that entitled her to become a member of Moot Court. Prior to attending law school, she received a Bachelor of Arts Degree, with a major in Psychology, from Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Stephanie is a former Chair of The Florida Bar's Elder Law Section. During her many years of service on the Executive Committee of the Elder Law Section, Stephanie was instrumental in advocating and educating legislators about elder issues. She was the 110th attorney to be certified nationally by the National Elder Law Foundation in 1997. She became board certified in Elder Law by the Florida Bar in 1998.
Stephanie is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), the Florida Bar, the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers , and the Broward County Trial Lawyer Association.
Stephanie speaks locally and nationally about elder law issues for professionals, members of the judiciary, municipal and community organizations. She has developed continuing education programs for legal, health care and financial professionals, including a Florida Bar approved continuing legal education program and an approved continuing education units program for CPAs.
Stephanie resides with her family in Plantation. She is admitted to practice by the Florida Bar and the United States District Court - Southern District of Florida.
