Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser Slama Hancock Liberman & McKee PA
Personal Injury Attorneys
* Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
* Complex Litigation & Product Liability
* Medical Malpractice
* Aviation & Admiralty
* Mass Tort Litigation
* International Litigation
* Environmental Disasters & Toxic Torts
In more than 30 years of highly successful practice, we have been the firm of choice for clients large and small who have suffered as a result of the injustice of others. During this time, we have painstakingly built a reputation for integrity and excellence and for the endless pursuit of justice on behalf of those we represent.
Our attorneys are known nationally and Internationally for their mastery of their specialized areas of practice. Lawyers from the United States and around the world have often called upon our expertise before bringing a lawsuit in United States and other courts.
Over the years, our practice has grown considerably both in size and in sophistication. We are now a major presence on the national and global legal arena - However, we have never lost sight of our guiding principle: No client, however large or small, should ever be denied the opportunity to seek and find justice.
Krupnick Campbell Malone Buser Slama Hancock Liberman & McKee PA
700 SE 3rd Ave #100
Fort Lauderdale FL 33316-1186
Tel: 954 763-8181; 877 763-8181
Fax: 954 763-8292
