Flaxman Law Group
Miami Mesothelioma Lawyer :: Asbestos & Mesothelioma :: Miami-Dade County Asbestos Attorneys
Asbestos is a building material that was commonly used a few decades ago because of its fire-retardant properties. It was believed that buildings made using this material would be safer, but many people who moved into homes and offices that made use of asbestos soon found that the material was highly toxic. Workers who handled asbestos and residents in homes built with asbestos materials began developing serious lung ailment. Florida lawyers have been representing clients for year in order to hold asbestos manufacturers and others responsible for asbestos-related injuries and illnesses.
One of the most common illnesses that asbestos exposure can cause is known as Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that usually affects the membrane lining of the stomach or lungs. Currently, almost all cases of this cancer in the US are linked to asbestos exposure. There are 2 000 to 3 000 people diagnosed with Mesothelioma annually in this country and the number of Mesothelioma sufferers seems to be increasing.
Mesothelioma tends to occur suddenly and can progress quickly. Usually, it appears only decades after a person has been exposed to asbestos. This can make proving asbestos exposure difficult. Qualified Florida attorneys, like the team and Flaxman Law Group have successfully represented Mesothelioma victims and have professional investigative help that can help pinpoint when asbestos exposure occurred.
Mesothelioma wreaks havoc on lives and families, and, sadly, it is a very preventable form of cancer. Laws protect those who have been exposed to asbestos and those who are suffering from Mesothelioma as a result of exposure. Florida laws allow victims and their families to seek financial reparations. If you have Mesothelioma or have suffered from asbestos exposure, call the Law Offices of Flaxman Law Group.
We can advise you of your legal rights - free of charge - and can help you get the money you are entitled to. The reparations you are entitled to can help you replace lost income and can help you pay for the best medical treatment. Additionally, the money you are entitled to can help your money recover financially and emotionally. Perhaps most importantly, Flaxman Law Group can help ensure that others are protected from asbestos exposure by holding those responsible accountable.
Flaxman Law Group
5715 Johnson St
Hollywood FL 33021
Tel: 305 621-0099; 866-FLAXMAN
Fax: 954 987-3251
